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YouTube for Knowledge Business: A Trible Guide to Starting and Growing Your Channel

YouTube for Knowledge Business: A Trible Guide to Starting and Growing Your Channel

In an era where video content is king, YouTube offers a unique opportunity for businesses to connect and engage with their audience in a more personal and impactful way. As the world’s second-largest search engine, it provides a powerful platform to elevate your knowledge business and reach new heights.

Navigating the YouTube universe might feel a bit daunting, considering thousands of hours of video content being uploaded every minute. But fear not! YouTube is a treasure trove of opportunities for businesses eager to expand their brand reach. And with YouTube Shorts joining the party, creators now have an extra way to engage with audiences, rivaling the likes of TikTok and Instagram Reels.

Tip: While YouTube is a fantastic marketing tool, don’t forget to create and maintain a website or an app

Think of it as your content headquarters and go-to information source for your audience and partners. Ignoring this could result in missing out on sweet monetization opportunities and brand growth.

As we embark on this adventure, we’ll dive into the essential elements of launching a successful YouTube channel. We’ll cover the nitty-gritty, like account setup, profile optimization, and producing captivating video content that strikes a chord with your target audience. So, are you ready to kick-start your exciting journey towards YouTube stardom? Let’s dive in!

How a YouTube channel can bolster your knowledge business?

Before we dive into the tips, tricks and strategies, let’s discuss how YouTube can work its magic for your educational products. The main advantages are:

  • Building a fan base. You can attract an audience of enthusiasts who might eventually become customers!
  • Establishing credibility and authority. By sharing your expertise on various topics, you can unlock opportunities to sell courses, write books, speak at conferences, and more.
  • Driving website traffic. YouTube can act as a powerful engine to steer viewers to your website, funneling them into your sales process to generate revenue.

Should you start a YouTube channel for your business? Absolutely, as long as it aligns with your business goals and you’re committed to creating video content over an extended period. With dedication, your channel may and will succeed.

Start with ‘Why’ – Define your channel’s purpose

First things first: you need to know your YouTube channel’s purpose. This is a crucial tip for beginners. Are you keen on sharing your passion with the world? Is YouTube just an additional part of your marketing strategy or is it the key to it? 

Where do you take those who might be interested after your first interactions on Youtube? Do you take them offline or is it to your own branded App? Or are you planning to make your YouTube channel your primary business? Pinning down a purpose will steer you in the right direction as you create content. If your YouTube channel is intended to promote your business, consider branding it with your company’s name. You can also link your channel to your website or app to connect other social media accounts. 

A clear understanding of the purpose can help spark ideas for the types of video content that will resonate with your audience. Entering the YouTube space without a plan may result in unfocused content that lacks cohesion, potentially driving away potential subscribers.

Strategy First: Plan and Develop Engaging Videos for Your Channel

When starting a YouTube channel for your knowledge business, it’s crucial to have a solid strategy in place before diving into content creation. This ensures that your videos will be targeted, engaging, and effective in reaching your desired audience.

Re-evaluate or Confirm Your Niche and Target Audience

If you’ve already established your niche and target audience, starting a YouTube channel can be an excellent opportunity to re-evaluate or confirm your decisions. If you’re confident in your choices, stick to them! Conduct research on what successful educators and coaches in your niche are doing on YouTube, and take note of their strategies. Pay close attention to the comments section to learn about viewers’ concerns and desires.

For those building a YouTube channel from scratch with the goal of turning it into a business, it may be more challenging to find your niche. Focus on your existing proficiencies or areas where you’ve built credibility. Consider your passions and the subjects you’re excited to share with others.

Embrace specificity to build authority and trust

While it might be tempting to cover a wide range of topics, having a highly specific niche can be advantageous. A focused subject matter allows you to build authority and trustworthiness more effectively than tackling a variety of loosely related topics. Align your content with your expertise and create videos that dive deep into your niche.

Learn from the best: analyze successful channels in your niche

Once you have a clear understanding of your niche and target audience, take the time to study successful YouTube channels within your field. Analyze their video formats, presentation styles, and audience engagement tactics. Draw inspiration from their content, and find ways to make it your own, adding your unique perspective and voice.

Address your audience’s needs and desires

Pay attention to your target audience’s needs, desires, and concerns, and tailor your content to address them. As coaches and educators, you have a wealth of material to work with, so explore different types of content that resonate with your audience and serve your goals.

Consider repurposing the best parts of your existing educational videos to drive traffic, engage viewers, or motivate them to access the full course. If you have a complex product, create video tutorials to help customers learn more about it. Testimonials can also be an effective way to showcase your offerings. Do an interview with fellow educators or successful clients, experiment with various content types to see what works best for your audience and goals.

strategy for youtube

Create and optimize your YouTube Channel: initial settings and concept, name and description, design

Starting a YouTube channel for your knowledge business can be a game-changer when done right. In this section, we’ll guide you through the initial steps of creating and optimizing your channel, focusing on critical aspects such as establishing a clear concept, choosing the perfect name and description, and crafting an eye-catching design. By laying a strong foundation for your channel from the get-go, you’ll be well on your way to success on the platform. Let’s dive in and explore how to make your YouTube channel stand out from the crowd.

Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough to help you create and optimize your first YouTube channel:

  • If you don’t already have a Google account, sign up for one. You’ll need to create a username and password, and provide your phone number for account verification.
  • Once your Google account is up and running, head over to YouTube and sign in with your username.
  • Take any action that requires a YouTube channel, such as leaving a comment on a video, creating a playlist, or, our favorite, uploading a video. This will prompt YouTube to guide you through creating your own channel.
  • You’ll be given the option to create your channel using the name associated with your Google account or with a brand account. A brand account allows you to give channel management access to multiple people – a great feature for businesses!
  • Once you’ve chosen the option that suits you best, YouTube will set up your channel. Easy peasy!

Tip: If you haven’t settled on a name yet, try using a YouTube name generator for some inspiration

Once you’ve set up your YouTube channel, don’t forget to verify it. This quick and easy step grants you access to extra features like custom video thumbnails, which can make all the difference in attracting viewers to click on your content.

To get your account verified:

  • Head to “Channel status and features” in your YouTube settings.
  • Click the blue “Verify” button at the top of the page.
  • Provide your phone number and choose between receiving a verification code via text or voice call. You’ll receive the code in no time.

Consider the narrative you want your channel to convey 

Viewers are more likely to return to a channel that consistently delivers a well-defined content vision. If you’re struggling to decide on a story, think about your niche: What unique message can you share with potential viewers that sets you apart? From there, determine how that story influences your branding – for instance, should your brand voice be serious or playful?

YouTube provides various elements to help visually distinguish your channel. Customize your channel name, icon banner, trailer and other components to align with your story and branding.

Now, let’s talk about profile pictures, banners, and descriptions

First impressions truly matter, and they set the tone for all kinds of interactions. When it comes to your YouTube channel, your banner is the star of the show, sitting front and center on your channel’s main page, ready to greet potential viewers and subscribers.

banner for youtube

Creating YouTube channel artwork is a breeze if you’ve got design skills. But if you’re not as confident in your abilities, don’t worry – there are plenty of online tools and templates to make the whole process a piece of cake. Canva, for example, is a user-friendly graphic design platform offering several YouTube channel art templates to kick-start your banner design journey.

Keep in mind a few size restrictions for banners:

  • Minimum dimensions: 2048 x 1152 pixels
  • Maximum file size: 6MB
  • Appearance varies on mobile and desktop devices
  • To avoid content cutoff, place your logo and essential text in the center 1540 x 427 area of the banner – the “safe zone.”

Once you’ve put the finishing touches on your design, head to your channel and hover over the banner area. A camera icon will appear in the top right corner; click on it and upload your masterpiece!

If you haven’t uploaded any videos yet, click on “Customize Channel” near the top right of the page. You’ll see a preview of your channel’s homepage. Click on “Add channel art” where the banner should be, and you’ll be prompted to upload your work. Easy peasy!

Profile Picture

Choose a high-quality image that represents your brand. This could be your company logo or a headshot if you’re the face of your business. Make sure the image is clear and properly sized for YouTube (800×800 pixels).


Craft a compelling and concise description that highlights your channel’s purpose and the value it brings to viewers. Incorporate relevant keywords to boost discoverability and include links to your website and social media accounts to promote cross-platform engagement.

And there you have it! With these simple steps, you’ll have a polished and professional YouTube channel that’s ready to captivate your audience.

Lights, Camera, Action: Tips for recording high-quality videos

video shooting for Youtube

Ready to dive into the world of video creation? It’s time to turn your vision into reality, and we’re here to help you get started on the right foot. With these easy-to-follow tips, you’ll be recording high-quality videos for your YouTube channel in no time. Let’s get rolling!

Set the stage

Before hitting the record button, make sure your recording environment is well-prepared. Pick a location with minimal background noise and good lighting. Natural light is fantastic, but if that’s not possible, invest in affordable lighting equipment to create a well-lit setup.

Frame it right

Composition matters when it comes to creating engaging videos. Follow the rule of thirds to create a visually appealing frame, placing your subject slightly off-center. Make sure your background isn’t too busy or distracting, as it should complement rather than compete with your main focus.

Invest in a decent microphone

Great audio quality can make a huge difference in the overall feel of your videos. Invest in a good-quality microphone to ensure your voice comes across clearly and crisply. A lavalier or shotgun microphone can be an affordable yet effective option.

Use a tripod or stabilizer

To avoid shaky footage, use a tripod or stabilizer when recording your videos. This will give your content a professional, polished look and make it easier for viewers to focus on your message.

Be mindful of camera settings

Take the time to familiarize yourself with your camera’s settings. Ensure you’re recording in the highest resolution possible, and adjust the frame rate, aperture, and ISO as needed to achieve the desired look for your videos.

Practice makes perfect

Don’t be discouraged if your first few videos don’t turn out exactly as you’d hoped. With practice, you’ll get better at speaking on camera, nailing your delivery, and creating visually appealing content. Keep refining your skills and learning from your mistakes.

Edit thoughtfully

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of post-production. Edit your videos thoughtfully to remove any mistakes, tighten up the pacing, and add engaging elements like graphics, captions, and background music. A well-edited video can elevate your content and keep your audience hooked.

Now that you’re equipped with these handy tips, it’s time to bring your YouTube channel to life. Lights, camera, action!

SEO for YouTube: optimizing your titles, descriptions, and tags

seo for youtube

YouTube is more than just a video platform; it’s also a search engine for videos. In fact, YouTube videos often appear among the top results when searching on Google. That’s why it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with SEO best practices specifically for YouTube.

A key strategy is incorporating targeted keywords in your video file name, video title, and video description. If suitable, you might even include targeted keywords in your channel’s brand name. Additionally, tag your videos with relevant keywords that you want to rank for.

Here are some essential tips for optimizing your titles, descriptions, and tags on YouTube:

  • Craft compelling titles. Your video titles should be engaging, informative, and accurately represent your content. Incorporate relevant keywords in a natural way to help viewers and YouTube’s algorithm understand what your video is about. Keep titles under 60 characters to ensure they’re fully visible in search results.
  • Optimize descriptions: Your video description should provide a clear and concise summary of your content, while also including relevant keywords. Aim for a description that’s at least 150-200 words long, but remember that only the first two to three lines are visible without clicking “show more.” Place the most important information and keywords at the beginning for maximum impact.
  • Utilize tags wisely: Tags help YouTube’s algorithm understand the context of your video and make it easier for viewers to find your content. Use a mix of broad and specific keywords related to your video, along with any variations or synonyms. Avoid keyword stuffing and focus on tags that genuinely represent your content.
  • Research keywords: To find the most effective keywords for your videos, use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or TubeBuddy. Look for keywords with a high search volume and low competition, and incorporate them into your titles, descriptions, and tags.
  • Leverage long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific and often less competitive than shorter, more general keywords. Targeting long-tail keywords can help you rank higher in search results and attract a more targeted audience.
  • Use hashtags sparingly: While not as crucial as titles, descriptions, and tags, hashtags can help categorize your content and make it more discoverable. Use a few relevant hashtags in your video description, but don’t overdo it – a maximum of three to five hashtags should suffice.
  • Monitor and adjust: Regularly review your video analytics to see which keywords and optimizations are working well for your content. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments to your titles, descriptions, and tags based on your findings. SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant fine-tuning.

In conclusion, the fundamentals of SEO also apply to YouTube. Start by conducting solid keyword research to discover the most relevant terms in your niche, and target them in your content. While you’re finding your footing, focus on keywords with lower competition but a considerable search volume.

Don’t overlook competitor research either. Identify who’s ranking for your target keywords and terms, and analyze what they’re doing right. This will offer valuable insights into what you should be doing, and more importantly, spark ideas for how to do it even better.

Tracking Performance and Growth: YouTube Analytics

Data is the cornerstone of understanding your videos’ performance and the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. YouTube Analytics provides a wealth of data, including the number of views your videos receive, your viewers’ location, and your subscriber count. Views and subscribers are excellent indicators of initial audience engagement. These insights help you understand how your content is resonating with your audience, which areas require improvement, and how to tailor your strategy to boost overall success.

Familiarize yourself with key metrics

YouTube Analytics provides a plethora of metrics to assess your channel’s performance. Some essential metrics include watch time, views, audience retention, click-through rate (CTR), and subscriber growth. Understanding these metrics will enable you to make data-driven decisions and better serve your target audience.

Analyze audience demographics

Dive into the demographics of your viewers to discover their age, gender, location, and even device type. This information allows you to create content that specifically resonates with your audience, resulting in higher engagement rates and improved viewer satisfaction.

Monitor engagement metrics

Pay attention to metrics such as likes, dislikes, comments, and shares to understand how your audience is interacting with your content. These engagement signals provide valuable feedback on what works well and what doesn’t, allowing you to adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Keep an eye on traffic sources

YouTube Analytics also offers information on traffic sources, which reveal how viewers find your content. By understanding the most effective traffic sources, you can optimize your content and promotion efforts to attract more viewers from these channels.

Utilize YouTube Studio

YouTube Studio is a powerful tool that centralizes your analytics and channel management, providing a user-friendly interface to access vital information about your channel’s performance. Regularly reviewing your analytics through YouTube Studio will help you stay informed and make well-informed decisions about your content strategy.

Watch the watch time 

As you nurture your YouTube channel’s growth, watch time becomes an increasingly crucial data point. Watch time represents the total duration that viewers spend watching your videos. This metric is important because YouTube tends to rank videos with longer watch times higher and is more likely to feature them.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should create excessively long videos. YouTube also considers the average view duration (the average time people spend watching a video) and the average percentage viewed (the proportion of the video that people actually watch). Both metrics can be found in YouTube Analytics.

These three metrics — watch time, average view duration, and average percentage viewed — are what YouTube uses to evaluate your videos’ engagement levels. The more engaging your content is, the higher your chances of securing a top-ranking position or being featured by YouTube. By embracing YouTube Analytics, you can optimize your content and achieve greater success on the platform.

Focus less on your camera setup – prioritize audio quality

When learning how to start a YouTube channel for beginners, many people worry about their camera setup. Some may fear looking amateurish with subpar equipment, while others might simply be eager to acquire new gadgets.

However, having the best camera should not be your top priority. Your smartphone is likely sufficient for now. Instead of investing in a new camera right away, consider purchasing accessories like a tripod or stand to make shooting with your phone more convenient.

A common mistake new YouTubers make is focusing too much on video quality while neglecting audio. In fact, it should be the other way around, as poor audio can quickly ruin a video. If your audio is unclear, background music is too loud, or you speak too softly, you’ll likely receive negative feedback in the comments section.

Ensure that your audio is clear and audible. The most effective way to achieve this is by using high-quality microphones. A valuable tip for YouTube beginners is to prioritize investing in a good microphone before spending on a high-end camera. This approach will significantly improve the overall quality of your videos and enhance your viewers’ experience.