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What is Edtech: top education trends for 2023

What is Edtech: top education trends for 2023

The worldwide eLearning industry is expected to exceed $460 billion by 2026. As more individuals and businesses embrace Edtech for engaging, convenient, and results-driven education, the sector is rapidly expanding and shows no signs of stopping. 

We researched the market to determine the major Edtech trends that will impact you in 2023. Here are the top 5 Edtech trends for 2023 you should be aware of to help you build your business and capitalize on emerging technologies.

What is Edtech? 

Edtech, or Educational Technology, is a type of digital technology that is used to improve or facilitate teaching and learning by integrating computer hardware, software, and educational philosophy to increase learning experiences. The word encompasses all aspects of computer-assisted education, such as virtual courses, micro-learning programs, community-led social learning platforms, and others.

Why is the Edtech educational trend important? 

Because of the interesting, diversified, and individualized learning experiences it can provide students, Edtech is on the rise in schools, corporations, and organizations. Edtech allows students to get information more quickly, easily, and affordably than ever before. Simultaneously, instructors may produce, distribute, and revise content from anywhere at a fraction of the cost and time of in-person, on-site classes.

Edtech improvements in recent years have resulted in a democratization of the education business, allowing more individuals to teach and learn while also providing a better educational experience.

3 main benefits of Edtech in 2023

3 main benefits of Edtech in 2023: Accessibility, Engagement, Cost


Edtech, at its core, is about making learning more accessible to more people. The days of forcing students to sit in physical classrooms for hour-long lectures are long gone. Edtech has enabled individuals to study from anywhere, at any time.

This has far-reaching ramifications for frontline workers, schoolchildren, people with special needs, and others. Content is now available in a larger variety of forms to accommodate various learning requirements and styles, with highly personalized learning paths that can be adjusted to each individual and accessed whenever it is convenient.


Edtech has the capacity to make the curriculum more interesting for students. The creation of bite-sized microlearning tools, for example, provides educators with more chances to make educational information enjoyable and engaging. 

Edtech has altered the way kids study, from gamification to short, snappy videos, and it will continue to do so in 2023. Edtech’s prospects for enhanced participation have a knock-on impact. Edtech has the potential to increase course completion rates, knowledge retention, and performance.


Organizations may significantly reduce expenses by shifting education and training online. Edtech enables administrators to automate repetitive operations like enrollments, evaluations, feedback collection, and more.

As Edtech spreads in 2023, those prices are anticipated to fall even further, with online learning becoming more inexpensive for students and organizations, as well as lowering start-up costs for course authors and coaches.

Edtech trends in 3 Cs

Edtech trends in 3 Cs


This year will be centred on the community as Edtech becomes more social. As more companies discover the value of a great community for interacting with learners, selling more goods, and getting essential feedback and audience insights, communities will become the most important resource for content creators, coaches, and educators. In 2023, the community will be your primary and essential product.


In 2023, online learning and Edtech are all about ease. The days of clumsy user interfaces and extensive, boring class material are over. The primary Edtech trends in 2023 revolve around quick, simple, seamless learning experiences that integrate into one’s everyday routine. This implies more microlearning, mobile-first platforms, and social media-specific education experiences.


In the face of increased economic uncertainty in 2023, Edtech is leaning toward more content creator ownership. More educators and artists want to be in charge of every part of their company, from money generation to community development to marketing and promotion. That is, they are searching for content hosting platforms that put creators in control and allow them to keep more of the money they make from their material.

Top 5 Edtech education trends for 2023


Microlearning has been one of the most popular online teaching and learning methods in recent years, and it will be much more prevalent in 2023. Microlearning classes, unlike standard learning formats, are maintained under 10 minutes long — typically, they are 30 to 60 seconds long. YouTube lessons in a nutshell, TikTok recipes, and Instagram DIY reels. What is it that they all share in common? They provide learners with rapid, enticing information that makes learning new topics enjoyable.

The data speaks for itself: over 60% of individuals learn new things via TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram content. Mobile-first microlearning is currently the go-to option for learners who want short, easy material to study on the go. Microlearning will be the most significant Edtech for learners in 2023 as more individuals strive to squeeze more activities into their days.

This Edtech trend is a clear call to action for a course and authors to start creating content that is mobile-friendly and easy to digest. Shorter content is less expensive, quicker, and easier to create, making it a no-brainer for your 2023 content plan.

The influencer economy has grown over the last decade as more individuals transition to being digital artists – either full-time or as a side business. However, the most popular occupations aren’t always the greatest path to a profitable business and a stable income. As more entrepreneurs and artists utilize the potential of educational material to enhance their profitability, we may expect to witness a change from creator-entertainers to creator-educators in 2023.

Educational offerings such as online courses, coaching, and educational applications are excellent ways for artists to monetize their current audience. And it’s exactly what the crowd wants to see.

According to our findings, more than twice as many individuals are interested in producers who create digital material for educational purposes rather than amusement.

You don’t have to be a natural-born performer or a well-known influencer to expand your following, establish a brand, and earn money. In reality, all you need is high-quality educational material in a popular area.

Community first

Community first

We can also see a definite trend toward the community in Edtech in 2023. As education becomes increasingly social – and the border between educational platforms and social media blurs – there will be a greater emphasis on communities for both artists and organizations.

It used to be that your audience would come for your content and then stay to be a part of your community. That dynamic, though, is shifting in 2023. The driving factor behind selling your content and expanding your business will be your online community.

The research shows:

  • 53% of consumers are more inclined to purchase a product if it is suggested by a member of a community to which they belong.
  • 60% of Gen Zs place a high value on online communities.

Your community is the quickest and most effective way to launch a profitable education business in 2023 – and create a new and lucrative cash stream. At the corporate level, social learning will be a primary goal in 2023 in order to increase employee engagement, with gamified learning components such as leaderboards, prizes, and social-media style messages becoming prevalent. Online community platforms are expected to grow in popularity in 2023, with more authors and organizations joining the trend.

Income diversification

Diversity is critical for small firms, and this will become even more obvious in 2023. In an unpredictable economy, it’s more critical than ever for creators and infopreneurs to have several revenue streams from which to adapt to future difficulties.

Thousands of companies moved online during the Covid-19 epidemic to cope with extensive closures of brick-and-mortar locations. Businesses will completely embrace this transformation by 2023 as more educators grasp the ability of Edtech to communicate their expertise to a larger, more varied, and worldwide audience. Creators may now develop a variety of digital goods, such as an online course, downloadable tools, a premium membership site, one-on-one online coaching, and more.

  • According to the study, the proportion of creators with various revenue sources has increased by approximately 50% in the last five years.
  • More than 8 out of 10 leading educational innovators presently provide a variety of services and goods.

Personal branding

Edtech has enabled teachers, educators, and coaches to create global, personal brands based on their expertise. It’s time to devote more time and resources to your own brand in order to keep greater control in 2023 and expand your business even further. Personal branding is expected to become increasingly more visible – and profitable – during 2023 as creators use thought leadership for marketing, earning money, and opening up chances for brand collaborations.

Gone are the days of course markets with libraries full of generic courses and faceless authors; in 2023, it will be the person behind the brand who determines the value of digital products.

Use Edtech trends to improve your knowledge of business

In 2023, there are distinct trends forming in Edtech that will have far-reaching implications for course developers, users, and organizations. The emphasis on convenience and better control for creators, as well as the ever-increasing importance of community, promise to make 2023 an exciting year for the Edtech sector.