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Putting on a Show: Trible’s Guide to Crafting Outstanding PowerPoint Presentations

Putting on a Show: Trible's Guide to Crafting Outstanding PowerPoint Presentations

Today, we’re here to talk about a tool as vital to digital knowledge entrepreneurs as a paintbrush to an artist: PowerPoint presentations.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer, a presentation newbie, or somewhere in between, this guide is designed for you. It’s a friendly chat, packed with actionable tips, tricks, and insights to help you master the art of PowerPoint presentations. So, ready to craft a presentation that stands out? Let’s dive in!

PowerPoint Basics and a Few Words about Alternatives

PowerPoint is our focus today because it’s versatile, widely used, and offers a plethora of features to make your presentations shine. However, it’s not the only player in the game. Google Slides is a great free web-based alternative, especially useful for collaborative work. And for Apple aficionados, Keynote offers sleek design options and integrates seamlessly with other Apple devices. But for now, let’s get back to PowerPoint.

What makes PowerPoint stand out is its range of features that add dynamism to your presentations. For instance, you can incorporate transitions between slides and animations for your content. These can make your presentation more engaging and visually appealing. But remember, less is often more when it comes to transitions and animations. They should enhance your presentation, not distract from it.

Essential Tips on Crafting Your Best Slides

Crafting compelling slides is both an art and a science. It’s about understanding your audience, delivering clear and engaging content, and presenting it in a visually appealing manner. It’s not just what you say, but how you say it. Here are some guiding principles:

Know your audience

Before you start crafting your slides, it’s essential to understand your audience. What do they know already? What are they hoping to learn? How familiar are they with your topic? The answers to these questions will guide the content, tone, and design of your slides.

Keep it simple

A cluttered slide can confuse your audience and distract from your message. Stick to one idea per slide. Use bullet points, but avoid paragraphs of text. Your slides are a visual aid, not a transcript of your speech.

Use visuals strategically

Visuals can enhance understanding, grab attention, and make your message memorable. Use images, diagrams, charts, and infographics where they add value. But remember, quality over quantity. Every visual should serve a purpose.

Leverage contrast and colors

Make your content stand out and guide your audience’s attention using contrast and colors. Dark text on a light background or light text on a dark background works best. When using colors, stick to a consistent palette that aligns with your brand or message.

Use fonts wisely

Choose fonts that are easy to read, even from the back of the room. As a general rule, stick to sans-serif fonts for presentations. Limit the number of different fonts you use to maintain a cohesive look.

Design with consistency

Consistency gives your presentation a professional look and feel. Stick to the same font, color scheme, and layout throughout your slides. Consistent design also helps your audience focus on the content, not the changing visuals.

Engage with interactivity

If your presentation tool allows, consider adding interactive elements such as polls or quizzes. This can keep your audience engaged and make your presentation more memorable.

Remember, these are guidelines, not hard and fast rules. The most important thing is that your slides serve their purpose: to help you communicate effectively with your audience. So, experiment, get creative, and find what works best for you.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting a PowerPoint Presentation

powerpoint presentation

Alright, knowledge entrepreneurs, let’s roll up our sleeves and get down to the nitty-gritty of crafting a PowerPoint presentation. We’re going to walk through this process step by step, ensuring that even if you’re a complete beginner, you’ll emerge with a clear blueprint for designing compelling presentations. And if you’re already a presentation pro, you might just find a few new tricks to add to your repertoire. Ready? Let’s get started!

Defining the Purpose of Your Presentation

Your purpose will guide every aspect of your presentation, from the content you include to the way you design your slides. So, take a moment to think about it. What do you want your audience to know, feel, or do by the end of your presentation?

Once you’ve figured that out, write it down. This statement of purpose will be your North Star as you navigate through the rest of the presentation-building process. It’s easy to get lost in the fun of designing slides and forget what you’re really trying to achieve. With a clear purpose in mind, you’ll stay on track and ensure that every part of your presentation is working towards your goal.

Remember, as a knowledge entrepreneur, your purpose should align with the needs and interests of your audience. After all, a presentation is a dialogue, not a monologue. It’s about what you can give to your audience, not just what you want to say.

Organizing Your Content

Now that you’ve defined the purpose of your presentation, it’s time to organize your content. This is like choreographing a dance routine – you have to decide which steps to include, the order in which they’ll be performed, and how they’ll flow together to create a coherent and captivating performance.

  • First things first, you need to determine what information you’ll include in your presentation. Start by brainstorming a list of all the points you want to make, examples you want to use, stories you want to tell, and data you want to present. Don’t worry about the order just yet – just get everything out of your head and onto the page.
  • Next, it’s time to get sorting. Look for connections between your ideas. Are there any themes that emerge? Any points that naturally lead to others? Use these connections to group your ideas into categories. These categories will form the main sections of your presentation.
  • Once you have your sections, arrange them in a logical order. This could be chronological, from simple to complex, or in any other order that makes sense for your topic. Within each section, order your points in a way that builds towards a key takeaway or conclusion.
  • Finally, don’t forget to craft a powerful introduction and conclusion. Your introduction should grab your audience’s attention, introduce your topic, and give a preview of what’s to come. Your conclusion should summarize your key points, reinforce your message, and leave your audience with a clear call to action.

Remember, your content is the backbone of your presentation. Without clear, well-organized content, even the most beautifully designed slides will fall flat. So take the time to get this step right. Your audience (and your future self) will thank you!

Designing Your Slides

Alright, now we’re getting to the fun part! Designing your slides is like choosing the perfect outfit for a dance performance. You want to look great, but you also need to make sure that what you’re wearing enhances your moves, rather than distracting from them.

Just like how a cluttered stage can trip a dancer, cluttered slides can trip your audience’s understanding. The key here is simplicity. Stick to one main idea per slide. If you find that you’re trying to cram too much onto one slide, take a step back. Would the slide be clearer if you split the content over two slides?

  • When it comes to text, less is more. Bullet points are your friends. Paragraphs? Not so much. Remember, you want your audience listening to you, not reading the slide. Keep your text clear, concise, and easy to read at a glance.
  • Now, let’s talk visuals. Images, diagrams, charts, and infographics can make your slides more engaging and help illustrate your points. But, just like with text, you don’t want to go overboard. Make sure every visual serves a purpose and adds value to your slide.
  • Color can be a powerful tool in your presentation design. It can highlight important information, guide your audience’s attention, and evoke certain emotions. Choose a color scheme that matches your topic or brand, and stick with it throughout your presentation.
  • Fonts matter, too. They should be large enough to read from the back of the room and should contrast well with your background color. In general, sans-serif fonts, like Arial or Calibri, are easier to read on screens.
  • Choose the right template or start from scratch. PowerPoint offers a plethora of ready-to-use templates that come with a pre-defined color scheme, font set, and layout style. If you’re in a rush, or if design is not your forte, these templates can be a lifesaver. But if you want more control over your design or if you have a specific look in mind, you can also start with a blank slide and customize it to your heart’s content.
  • Finally, remember to keep your design consistent across all your slides. This helps give your presentation a professional, cohesive look.


Adding Transitions and Animations

Step into the spotlight, it’s time for some movement! Transitions and animations in PowerPoint are like the well-timed dance moves that add rhythm to your performance. They provide visual interest and can guide your audience through your presentation, but they must be used thoughtfully. Too much flash, and you might end up with a dizzy audience instead of an engaged one.

Slide Transitions

Slide transitions are the effects that take place when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation. Think of them as the “entrance” and “exit” moves in a dance routine, setting the pace and flow of your performance.

To add a transition, click on the “Transitions” tab in the PowerPoint ribbon. Here, you’ll find a variety of options, from subtle fades to dynamic 3D effects. Remember, consistency is key. While it might be tempting to use a different transition for each slide, sticking to one or two styles throughout your presentation will create a more professional and cohesive look.


Animations, on the other hand, are the movements within a slide. They are like the individual dance steps, bringing each element to life. Animations can be used to draw attention to specific points, control information flow, and add a bit of excitement.

To add an animation, select the object you want to animate, go to the “Animations” tab, and choose the effect that fits your needs. You can animate text, images, shapes, and even charts.

PowerPoint also allows you to control the timing and sequence of your animations. Do you want an image to bounce in after you’ve introduced a new point? Or do you want your bullet points to appear one at a time? With the “Animation Pane” (found under the “Animations” tab), you can set the order and timing of your animations exactly as you want them.

Like with transitions, the golden rule of animations is not to overdo it. Too many animations can make your presentation feel chaotic and distract from your message. Aim for a balance between engaging your audience and maintaining a professional appearance. So, don’t shy away from the stage – add some transitions and animations to your presentation dance! Just remember, these are your backup dancers, not the main act. They’re there to support your performance, not steal the show.

Incorporating Multimedia

Multimedia elements are the crescendo of your presentation performance. They’re the surprise dance breaks, the dramatic lighting changes, and the immersive sound effects that add depth and dynamism to your show. And in a PowerPoint presentation, multimedia can do just the same, making your content more engaging, memorable, and impactful.

Images and Graphics

Visuals are a powerful tool for making your content more engaging and easier to understand. They can range from simple icons and images to complex infographics and diagrams. To insert an image, click on the “Insert” tab on the ribbon, then choose “Pictures” if you have the image file, or “Online Pictures” if you’re grabbing it from the web.


Videos can bring a level of interactivity to your presentation, break up the monotony of text and static images, and provide valuable context or information. You can add a video by clicking on the “Insert” tab and choosing “Video.” You can insert a video from your files or embed a video from YouTube or similar platforms.


Audio clips can add an extra layer of information to your presentation. Whether it’s a relevant sound effect, a piece of music, or a voiceover providing additional commentary, audio can help create a richer experience for your audience. To add audio, go to the “Insert” tab and select “Audio.”

GIFs and Animations

GIFs and animations can be used to explain complex processes, show change over time, or just add a dash of fun to your presentation. They can be inserted just like any other image.

Remember, the goal of incorporating multimedia is to enhance your content, not to overshadow it. Make sure that every multimedia element you add serves a purpose and contributes to your overall message. And always double-check that your multimedia elements work smoothly before your presentation – there’s nothing like a video that won’t play to throw off your groove!

Also, be mindful of file sizes. Multimedia elements can quickly bloat the size of your PowerPoint file, which could make your presentation slow to load or difficult to share. If your presentation file gets too large, consider compressing your media files or saving them as links. With the right multimedia elements, your PowerPoint presentation can become a full-fledged performance, captivating your audience and leaving them eager for more. So go ahead, add some multimedia flair to your presentation dance!

Practicing Your Presentation


So you’ve choreographed your dance, chosen your costume, and set the stage with all the right props. But wait, we’re not ready for the curtains to rise just yet! Every good performer knows that practice makes perfect.

Think about it. A dancer doesn’t just learn the steps and then immediately perform in front of an audience. They practice. They rehearse. They refine their movements until they know the routine like the back of their hand. The same applies to your presentation.

Familiarize Yourself with the Content

First things first, you need to know your content inside and out. You should be able to talk about your topic naturally and confidently, without relying too heavily on your slides. Remember, your slides are there to support your message, not deliver it.

Use Presenter View

PowerPoint’s Presenter View is your backstage secret weapon. It lets you see your speaker notes on your screen while the audience sees only the slide. To enable Presenter View, go to the “Slide Show” tab and check “Use Presenter View.” This tool is particularly handy if you have a lot of information to remember.

Rehearse Timings

If you’re working with a strict time limit, rehearsing your presentation with timings can be incredibly helpful. You can even record timings for each slide transition as you rehearse and then use these timings during the actual presentation. To do this, go to the “Slide Show” tab and select “Rehearse Timings.”

Simulate the Presentation Environment

Try to simulate the presentation environment as closely as possible when you practice. If you’ll be presenting on a big screen, practice with a big screen. If you’ll be using a clicker or a pointer, practice with those, too.

Practice Out Loud

Don’t just run through the presentation in your head. Practice out loud, just like you would in front of an audience. This will help you get comfortable with the sound of your voice and the flow of your words.

Get Feedback

Finally, if possible, do a run-through with a friend or colleague and ask for their feedback. They can provide valuable insights that can help you refine your presentation.

Like a dancer, your performance is not just about the steps (or slides, in this case), it’s about how you execute them. So, take the time to rehearse your presentation until you feel confident and ready to take the stage. After all, the show must go on!

Preparing for the Presentation Day

The spotlight is ready, the stage is set, and it’s almost time for your grand performance. But before you step into the limelight, there are a few final touches to ensure your presentation goes off without a hitch. Just as a dancer would do a final costume check and warm-up before stepping on stage, you too need to prepare for your big day. Here’s how:

Check Your Equipment

No matter how well you’ve rehearsed, technical glitches can throw you off your game. Ensure that your laptop, projector, clicker, and any other devices you plan on using are working correctly. If you’re presenting remotely, test your internet connection and conferencing software.

Bring Your Own Hardware

Sometimes, the device you’re supposed to present on might not be available or compatible with your presentation file. To avoid last-minute panic, bring your own laptop, if possible, or at least have a backup of your presentation on a USB drive.

Arrive Early

Arriving early gives you time to set up, test out your equipment, and familiarize yourself with the room. It also gives you a few moments to calm any pre-performance jitters.

Dress Appropriately

Just as a dancer would wear the appropriate costume for their performance, you should dress appropriately for your presentation. Your outfit should make you feel confident and comfortable and should be suitable for the context and audience of your presentation.

Warm Up Your Voice and Body

Presenting is a physical activity. Just like a dancer, you use your body and voice to express and engage. Doing a quick warm-up can help you get rid of tension, project your voice better, and feel more energized.

Have a Backup Plan

Despite all your preparations, things can still go wrong. But a true performer knows how to handle mishaps with grace. Have a backup plan in case your slides don’t work, such as printed handouts or a whiteboard where you can illustrate your points.

Remember, the day of your presentation is your time to shine. You’ve done the work, you’ve rehearsed your dance, and now it’s time to perform. So take a deep breath, trust in your preparations, and go out there and wow your audience! Break a leg!


A Few More Pro Tips for PowerPoints

You’ve got the basic steps of the dance down, but now it’s time to add some flair! Let’s dive into some advanced moves – the pro tips and tricks that can make your PowerPoint presentation truly stand out.

Custom slide sizes

Did you know you can adjust the size of your slides? This is handy if you’re designing a presentation that needs to fit a specific display setup. Go to “Design” > “Slide Size” > “Custom Slide Size” and enter your desired dimensions.

Format object for better control

The ‘Format Object’ function allows you to have more precise control over your objects’ designs. This includes things like color, line style, effects, and more. Right-click on an object and select ‘Format Object’ to explore these options.

Custom shapes and image cropping

PowerPoint allows you to create custom shapes and even crop images into custom shapes. Go to “Insert” > “Shapes” and get creative! Or, select an image, go to “Picture Format” > “Crop” > “Crop to Shape”, and choose your desired shape.

Embedding fonts

If you’re using unique fonts in your presentation, ensure they display correctly on any computer by embedding them in your PowerPoint file. Go to “File” > “Options” > “Save” and check the box for “Embed fonts in the file.”

Save slides as JPEGs

Want to share a slide on social media or use it as a graphic elsewhere? You can save individual slides as JPEGs! Go to “File” > “Save As” and choose JPEG in the “Save as type” dropdown menu.

Embed multimedia

Rather than linking to a video or audio file, you can embed multimedia directly into your presentation. This ensures your media plays correctly even if you move your presentation to a new location. Go to “Insert” > “Video” or “Audio” and select “Video on My PC” or “Audio on My PC”.

Presenter view

We’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth repeating. Presenter View is a game changer for delivering smooth presentations. You can see your notes, preview the next slide, and keep an eye on the time, all without your audience seeing.

These are just a few of the pro tips that can help you elevate your PowerPoint game. Remember, though, the most important aspect of your presentation isn’t the fancy tricks – it’s your content and how you deliver it. So, while these tips can add some sparkle to your dance, don’t let them distract from your main performance. Happy presenting!


On the Future of PowerPoint Presentation

Just as technologies evolve with new innovations, the landscape of presentations continually transforms. Looking ahead, the future of PowerPoint and other presentation tools will be shaped profoundly by advancements in technology.

AI has made remarkable strides in text and image generation. OpenAI’s language model GPT-4, for example, can generate human-like text based on given prompts. Another model by OpenAI, DALL-E, has demonstrated the ability to generate unique images from textual descriptions.

In theory, you could use these technologies together to generate a presentation. You could provide GPT-4 with a description or a set of prompts about the content of each slide, and it could generate the corresponding text. Then, you could feed that text into DALL-E to generate relevant images.

These technologies haven’t been yet combined into a seamless tool for generating presentations automatically. Furthermore, while AI-generated content can be impressive, it often still requires human oversight and editing to ensure it meets specific needs and quality standards. However, the rapid advancements in AI suggest that we could see something like this in the near future. AI will continue to improve and become more integrated into our tools, likely making the process of creating presentations easier and more efficient.

AI is also influencing the practice of delivering presentations. AI-driven voice assistants could help us rehearse presentations, offering feedback on clarity, pace, and tone. Moreover, the trend towards remote work and online learning will likely continue, pushing for increased integration of presentation software with online collaboration and learning tools.


To sum up

Creating an exceptional PowerPoint presentation involves understanding the tool’s dynamics and features and using them creatively to convey your message. From grasping the basics to navigating the advanced functionalities, this guide aims to provide you with the insights to create presentations that captivate your audience.

Regardless of technological advancements, the core of an excellent presentation will always be effective communication. Whether you’re an educator, a coach, a tutor, or a digital knowledge entrepreneur, your ability to clearly and engagingly present your ideas is crucial.

So, gear up, embrace the tools at your disposal, and create a PowerPoint presentation that will leave your audience impressed.