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How to successfully collaborate with others to grow your brand

How to successfully collaborate with others to grow your brand

If you’re aspiring to be an influencer and are unfamiliar with the world of brand partnerships, you’re in for a treat. When a brand pays a content producer to create material utilizing its product, this is referred to as a brand partnership. A product review or a simple video or snapshot of an influencer using their product might suffice.

You can secure brand partnerships even if you’re a micro-influencer with a small audience. We created this guide to assist content creators like you in finding collaborations that are relevant to your work.

The 4 top methods to identify businesses to collaborate with

Relevant platforms

First and foremost, great news for content creators all around the world: there are platforms mainly created to assist content creators and companies in collaborating! You can discover some with a fast Google search. Conduct your study and pick which one appears to be an ideal fit for your needs.


Another great strategy to uncover businesses that offer partnerships to content producers is to look at the brands with which other artists are working. The simplest method to do so is to look at their social media accounts. Brand partnerships are especially common on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

If you’re a blogger, YouTuber, or Instagrammer, you’ll most likely be able to uncover comparable accounts that have received brand collaborations. Remember that micro-influencers may also benefit from collaborations!

Brands you like

Consider the brands you adore. If you want to collaborate with a specific business, look into who influencers currently work with them. If there aren’t any influencers related to your speciality, you may contact the business to show them your work and ask if they’re interested in collaborating. In the next part, we’ll discuss how to approach brands.

Brands that already are with you

Even if you have a modest following, there may be businesses that are already engaged with your material. Examine your list of followers, likes, comments, and direct messages to determine if any companies have attempted to contact you.

How to reach out

How to successfully collaborate with others to grow your brand

Verify that you satisfy these criteria before contacting a brand in the hopes of securing a relationship with the company. Clear and simple, marketers want to avoid collaborating with content producers who are just average in their field. You have a responsibility to ensure that the material you publish is original and distinct. The purpose of this is to demonstrate to the brand what makes your product unique to them.

You don’t have to have a massive following in order to collaborate with brands, but you do need some following, even if it’s only a few people. You should consider yourself successful if you have a community of at least one thousand followers who interact with the stuff you provide.

What to include in the pitch when you’re contacting brands

  • Who you are.
  • Who your followers are.
  • What your content is about.
  • What appeals to you about their brand, and why do you want to collaborate with them?
  • Your media kit includes connections to your social networks, the number of followers you have, and for bloggers, traffic, and conversion statistics.
  • Portfolio (optional)

Your pitch should be descriptive, but it should also be succinct and easy to understand. You’re not sending them a novel but rather a brief introduction to who you are. Top tip: using bullet points is an excellent technique to make your presentation appear compact while yet being informative.

An influencer media kit: what is this, and why do you need it?

When you make your pitch to companies, as we said in the last part of this guide, you should include a media kit. It is crucial to stress the significance of this. To explain further, a media kit is comparable to having your CV or business card all in one convenient package. It is beneficial to demonstrate to businesses who you are, what your material is like, and what type of effect you’ve created by putting up a comprehensive media kit.

It is critical to remember both the content and the layout of your media kit while you are putting it together. You should seek a kit that is attractive to look at and has all of the information that a business needs. The design component will be covered in a later section; however, before we get there, here is some information that you should include in your media kit.

4 things to include in your media kit

Your bio

A short bio that summarizes who you are as a content provider should be included in your media kit. Include your name, the type of material you create, a headshot, and your contact information. Include your social media sites and email address in the latter. You may also give me your phone number. If you have a blog or a general website, this is an excellent place to post it.

Social media statistics

If you want your media kit to seem professional, it must include numbers—particularly the number of followers and subscribers you have on various social media networks. We also urge that you provide your engagement rates, such as the number of likes.

Certainly, it’s preferable to be truthful about all of these figures. You can acquire fantastic brand partnerships even if you’re a micro-influencer with little following! Several companies are more concerned with interaction rate than follower count.

Follower demographics

It is also critical to incorporate demographic information. Who is following you and commenting on your posts? Is it predominantly Muslim women in their twenties, Caucasian males in their thirties, and so on? Consider elements like age, race, sex/gender, locality, and religion when thinking about your population.

Remember that your demographic may appear simple or complex. Either way, it’s OK. One is not superior to the other! Perhaps your demographic is women in their twenties, or it might be something more nuanced, such as homosexual Jewish men in their thirties. Whatever your demography is, it is part of what distinguishes you and your audience! The brand wants to know who your followers are so that they can assess if your audience is part of their target audience.

Experience in brand collabs and testimonials

This section of your media kit is similar to a resume in that it highlights your professional history. Include any brand collaborations you’ve had in the past. By the way, the more information you can provide about previous cooperation, the better. Brands value details such as engagement rate and the number of clicks and conversions.

Including any testimonials from businesses you’ve worked with as well! Testimonials are an excellent approach to establishing credibility and trust. If you need testimonials, feel free to request them.

Attach your portfolio

Produce art that you can exhibit and talk about with a group of people. Use the goods produced by companies whose brands you admire and with whom you would like to collaborate. Not only is this excellent training for you, but it also demonstrates to them how capable you are of producing engaging content. 

No matter what line of employment you’re in, Instagram is a fantastic platform for instantly showcasing your accomplishments. Make sure that you keep your website up to date at all times as well. After you’ve got your portfolio looking its very best, it’s time to start looking for some seriously cool businesses to work with.

How to answer brands that reach out to you

It might be nerve-wracking to initiate contact with businesses. The good news is that every once in a while, businesses will communicate with you directly. If they do, it’s a really encouraging indication. The following are a few pointers that can assist you in responding and negotiating in a professional manner.

Make sure what they want is super clear

When a brand contacts a content producer, they usually have a concept of what they want the material to be. To clarify, ask them whether they already have a concept or if they want you to grab the reins and have complete creative power.

Think about compensation

Here is the crucial moment, the difficult conversion, the figures! It would help if you inquired about how you will be rewarded. Sometimes brands will want to swap products with you, while other times, they will want to pay you in cash. Both kinds of payment have advantages and disadvantages.

Time commitment

If the business wants a highly intricate video that will take a lot of time to create, rehearse, and film, you should be rewarded highly well. Therefore if it is a product exchange, ensure it is equal to your job. Working with a well-known company is wonderful exposure; make sure you deal with businesses that respect you professionally and want to reward you appropriately.

The following number

If you have 1,000-4,000 followers, you will be compensated less than if you have 10,000 or 100,000 followers. You get the idea. The more your audience, the greater the payoff for brand collaborations.

Top tip: ask for advice

If you have any creator friends, ask them if they believe the brand’s request is realistic.


Although it’s beneficial to gather the perspectives of a variety of individuals, in the end, you should put your faith in your own instincts. This is something that you will undoubtedly experience to be the case when you initially begin contacting businesses in an effort to collaborate with them. 

If a brand loses popularity, you shouldn’t feel threatened because it has nothing to do with you personally. It is challenging at first, but after you get the hang of things, you will see that your success rate is steadily increasing over time. You are not only getting your name out there, but you are also learning something new with every email that you send, which is why there is no such thing as a wasted email. Have a positive attitude, show some guts, and send off those emails.