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How to Go Viral: Tips and Tricks for Knowledge Entrepreneurs

How to Go Viral: Tips and Tricks for Knowledge Entrepreneurs

As an innovative knowledge entrepreneur, you understand the importance of standing out from the crowd. In today’s hyper-connected digital world, going viral can be the ultimate game-changer that catapults your brand to new heights. Imagine your content reaching thousands, even millions, of potential clients, students, and followers, all with a single click. Intrigued? Then, buckle up and join us on this exhilarating journey as we explore the world of viral content and unveil the secrets to making it work for you.

Going viral is a unique blend of exceptional content, perfect timing, a touch of luck, and sometimes, a well-executed marketing strategy. Just like Apple, Skype, and Virgin Airlines became household names by delivering remarkable experiences, your educational content has the potential to reach a global audience and make a lasting impact. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of viral content, and provide you with actionable tips and tricks to develop your own strategies for making your content stand out in the digital landscape.

Ready to unlock your potential as a knowledge entrepreneur and make a lasting impact? Keep reading, and let’s dive into the world of viral content together.

Defining “Viral”: What Does It Really Mean?

what means viral

The term “viral” might seem elusive, but at its core, it represents an extraordinary phenomenon in the digital world. When we say that a piece of content has “gone viral,” we mean that it has rapidly spread across the internet, amassing a significant number of views, shares, and interactions in a relatively short period of time. This rapid growth in popularity often leads to widespread recognition and, in some cases, even mainstream media coverage.

To better understand the concept of viral content, let’s take a look at some famous examples:

  • The Ice Bucket Challenge (2014). This social media-driven campaign raised awareness and funds for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) research. Participants would dump a bucket of ice water over their heads and challenge others to do the same or donate to the cause. The challenge quickly spread, with celebrities and everyday people alike taking part, ultimately raising over $115 million for the ALS Association.
  • TED Talks. These thought-provoking, expert-led presentations have become a viral sensation, reaching millions of viewers worldwide. Some of the most popular TED Talks, like Sir Ken Robinson’s “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” and Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action,” have garnered tens of millions of views and sparked important conversations on various topics.
  • Khan Academy. Founded by educator Salman Khan, this non-profit educational platform went viral by offering free, high-quality educational content in the form of video lessons covering a wide range of subjects. Khan Academy’s innovative approach to learning quickly gained traction, amassing millions of users and even catching the attention of influential figures like Bill Gates.

These examples demonstrate that viral content can take many forms, from social media challenges and powerful presentations to educational platforms with a mission. While the nature of the content varies, the common thread is the ability to resonate with a wide audience, generate buzz, and inspire people to share and engage with the content. In the next section, we’ll delve into the specifics of what constitutes a viral threshold for different platforms and how these numbers can be a useful benchmark for measuring your content’s success.

The Magic Number: How Many Views Are Considered Viral on Different Platforms?

While there’s no strict definition or universally agreed-upon number that makes a piece of content “viral,” it’s generally understood that achieving virality involves amassing a substantial number of views, shares, or interactions within a relatively short period of time. The benchmarks for what’s considered viral can vary depending on the platform. Let’s take a look at some popular platforms and the approximate numbers that might signify virality:


For a YouTube video, hitting a million views within a few days is often considered a strong indicator of virality. A prime example of this is Susan Boyle’s audition for Britain’s Got Talent in 2009. The video showcasing her incredible performance went viral, amassing over 100 million views within a week.


On Facebook, a post or video that garners hundreds of thousands of likes, shares, or comments within a day or two could be considered viral. For instance, the “Chewbacca Mom” video from 2016, where Candace Payne unboxed and tried on a Chewbacca mask, garnered more than 50 million views in just 24 hours.


On Instagram, a post that receives tens or even hundreds of thousands of likes and comments in a short time span can be considered viral. One example is the “World Record Egg” from 2019, which became the most-liked post on Instagram at the time, with over 50 million likes, as people rallied together to break the previous record held by Kylie Jenner.


For tweets, achieving tens of thousands of retweets and likes within hours or a day is often a sign of virality. A notable example is the tweet by Ellen DeGeneres from the 2014 Oscars, featuring a star-studded selfie, which garnered over 3.4 million retweets and became one of the most retweeted tweets in history.

These examples illustrate that virality can look different depending on the platform, with varying numbers of views, likes, shares, or comments indicating a piece of content has gone viral. It’s important to keep these numbers in mind as a benchmark for your own content, but also remember that there’s more to virality than just numbers. The key is to create content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement. In the next section, we’ll explore the key ingredients that contribute to the success of viral content and provide insights on how to apply these elements to your own work.

The Secret Sauce: Key Ingredients to Create Viral Content for Your Niche

how to create viral content

Creating content that goes viral may seem like a daunting task, but by understanding the key ingredients that contribute to virality, you can increase your chances of crafting content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement. 

Here are some essential elements to consider:

  • Emotion. Viral content often evokes a strong emotional response, whether it’s laughter, awe, surprise, or inspiration. By creating content that connects with your audience on an emotional level, you increase the likelihood of people sharing it with others. For example, the viral TED Talk by Brené Brown on “The Power of Vulnerability” has resonated with millions due to its raw and honest exploration of human connection and empathy.
  • Relatability. Content that is relatable to a wide audience has a higher chance of going viral. This means addressing common pain points, shared experiences, or universal themes that your target audience can identify with. Think of the “Chewbacca Mom” video, which struck a chord with viewers because of the simple, genuine joy it portrayed.
  • Shareability. Viral content is easy to share and often sparks conversations or debates. To increase shareability, create content that is thought-provoking, engaging, and accessible. The Ice Bucket Challenge is a prime example of shareable content, as it encouraged people to challenge their friends and family, creating a ripple effect of participation and awareness.
  • Timeliness. Content that taps into current events, trends, or popular culture has a better chance of going viral. Stay informed about what’s happening in your niche and look for opportunities to create content that is both relevant and timely. One example is the “World Record Egg” on Instagram, which cleverly capitalized on the platform’s culture of record-breaking likes.
  • Quality. Last but not least, producing high-quality content is crucial for virality. Invest in solid research, storytelling, and production values to create content that stands out and showcases your expertise. Khan Academy’s success can be attributed to its dedication to providing well-produced, informative, and accessible educational content.

By incorporating these key ingredients into your content strategy, you can increase your chances of creating viral content that resonates with your target audience and captures the attention of the digital world. In the next section, we’ll provide actionable tips and tricks to help you craft a winning viral strategy for your educational content.

Crafting Your Viral Strategy: Tips and Tricks for Success in the Digital Age

Now that we’ve explored the key ingredients to create viral content, it’s time to dive into actionable tips and tricks to help you craft a winning viral strategy for your educational content. Here are some steps to get you started:

Know your audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating content that resonates. Identify their pain points, interests, and aspirations, and tailor your content to address these aspects.

Be authentic

Authenticity goes a long way in establishing trust and credibility with your audience. Share your experiences, knowledge, and unique perspective to create content that is both genuine and relatable.

Embrace storytelling

A well-told story can captivate your audience and make your content more memorable. Use narratives to illustrate your points, humanize your content, and create an emotional connection with your audience.

Optimize for shareability

Make it easy for your audience to share your content by including social sharing buttons, using attention-grabbing headlines, and creating visually appealing images or graphics. Leverage trends and current events: Keep an eye on trending topics and news within your niche, and look for opportunities to create timely content that capitalizes on these trends. This can help increase your content’s relevance and shareability.

Collaborate with influencers

Partner with influencers or experts in your niche to expand your reach and credibility. This can also help you tap into new audiences and foster valuable relationships within your industry.

Engage with your audience

Encourage engagement by asking questions, seeking feedback, and responding to comments on your content. Building a community around your content can help increase its virality and foster brand loyalty.

Analyze and iterate 

Regularly track and analyze the performance of your content to understand what works and what doesn’t. Use these insights to refine your content strategy and make data-driven decisions for future content creation.

By following these tips and tricks, you can craft a powerful viral strategy for your educational content, increasing your chances of reaching a wider audience and making a lasting impact. Remember, going viral isn’t just about the numbers — it’s about creating content that genuinely resonates with your audience, showcases your expertise, and ultimately helps you achieve your goals as a knowledge entrepreneur.