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How to choose an excellent name for an online course

How to choose an excellent name for an online course

After devoting a significant amount of time and energy to the development of your online course, you are at last prepared to begin marketing or to sell it to the individuals who best fit your target audience. 

It is vital to think of a title for your course that expresses not just what you want students to learn from each individual unit but also what you are concerned they will take away from the course as a whole. You can assume that one of your goals for the course is to appeal to the emotions felt by potential purchasers. You want the course to be appealing for likely students to click the “sign up” button, no matter whether it is a free or paid online course, right?

Nevertheless, what characteristics should be looked for in a good name for an online class? Is there a particular SEO approach that you can implement in order to determine which name is the most incredible option? While considering several possibilities for titles, what aspects should you keep in mind? Is there a method to make sure that your online course will be listed among the results returned by a search engine when a member of your audience conducts a search pertaining to your online course? Are there specific search terms that, if included, would boost the likelihood of success?

This article will serve as your go-to resource for providing you with all of the information you want in the process of generating notable course titles. These ideas may help you come up with creative course names as well as unique names that are not only memorable but also creative! From the best words to use to what makes a good name to what makes the proper name for a course, these recommendations can help you come up with creative names!

Why a good course title is important

A strong and intriguing headline is likely an essential component of any marketing text. Creating a decent eLearning title may appear simple, yet it may be rather tricky. The distinction between a decent and a fantastic course title affects your visitors and, eventually, your revenues.

As a result, you must ensure that you design a descriptive and appealing title. The key to success is to provide adequate information while also attracting readers with a short and memorable headline.

A catchy online course title, for instance, may be an essential aspect of your online course business, offering tangibility to an ethereal subject and distinguishing your online training from the competitors. A memorable training program name may make a significant impact.

Let’s use the online training industry as an example and dissect the benefits of a popular course name:

  • Brand identification. An intriguing title that incorporates your brand’s attributes can go a long way toward helping you create your company’s brand.
  • Differentiation. A distinctive title may set your training out from the crowd. In order to differentiate your services, instill your brand.
  • Learning Goals and Expectations. The title of a course can also frame the learner’s expectations and explain its aims. Many people decide before even reading the course description as long as they know what they need.

10 Tips on how to create excellent names for online courses

Employ well-known search terms

Search engines know more about our private thoughts than the rest of us. One of them is how we label our ideas. Begin entering a few pictures into a search engine and wait for the autocomplete feature to propose a few search terms.

Taking a step further, after you’ve compiled a list of potential names, variants, and alternative keywords, use Google Keyword Planner to determine search volume. Utilize terms from your title names to check if any have a high enough amount of searches, or use them to uncover similar keywords. Standard search terms such as “how-to” and “what” pique people’s interest. Consumers want something valuable, and they generally utilize Google to discover it!

As you first begin to ponder potential titles for your class, you should keep search engine optimization (SEO) in mind as another factor to take into account (SEO). So, if you format your title in just the right way, you might be able to win some highly competitive keywords and rank higher on search engines like Google.

You may accomplish this by utilizing a program for keyword research, such as Ahrefs, on your computer. To get started, all you would need to do is enter a suggestion that you have for the title of a class that you are interested in taking. The program will then assist you in finding comparable phrases, keywords, search terms, and recommendations that you might think about using for a course title. It will also inform you of the degree of difficulty involved in ranking for each of the potential choices.


Determine your target audience

While developing a course, it is critical to evaluate who will purchase the product. If your target isn’t adequately defined in the language of your work, then they can be left thinking, what precisely am I buying?

Make sure that any language used does not cater to a single age group; instead, attempt writing with most age segments in mind by utilizing common sense when choosing how to effectively express messages while remaining loyal to tone and style preferences throughout all parts.

For instance, if you are a small business in the fitness niche with an online course of a high-powered fitness training program that lasts four weeks and is aimed at people who want to workout to burn fat, then say it loud and clear: “The Ultimate 4-Week Bodyweight Workout to Get Fit, Strong, and Lean.”

Concentrate on the most important advantages

We all know that attention spans are short these days. You should not just convey the facts; instead, weave them into an engaging narrative for your viewers! When it comes to developing a digital marketing plan for your online course, including the course title, don’t be hesitant to tell people exactly what they will study. First, capture their attention, and then persuade them to read the remainder of your marketing text!

First and foremost, you should detail the outcomes of your online course. When it comes to coming up with a name for an online course that will convert, this is one of the most influential and effective strategies. Your title should not only convey what your course is about but, more significantly, how your clients will benefit from taking the course and what outcomes they will obtain as a direct consequence of taking the course.

The outcome you are shooting at needs to be sensible and in keeping with the material covered in the course. If you make a promise that you are unable to control, ultimately, your clients will figure it out, and they will be unsatisfied with the online course that you offer. Hence, you should define in the course title whatever it is that you are promising to your audience.

This is a critical stage that has to be completed even before you begin creating any of the material for your online course. If you want to attract potential clients, the most excellent outcome you can deliver should be aligned with what they desire, not with what you believe is beneficial for them. Keep in mind that ultimately, the thing that your consumers are trying to purchase is not an online course but rather the outcome that taking that course would deliver for them. Thus, make sure that you express the result that you provide in a clear and concise manner!

Do some study on the internet if you are unsure about the information that your target market is seeking. Examine the most popular Google searches related to your niche, talk to individuals about the challenges they face most significantly, and find out what they want to learn about in an online course. As soon as you have determined which of your audience’s problems are the most critical, you can begin promoting your online course as a solution to those problems.

Keep it brief and memorable

Make sure your title is memorable, so people can easily share it on their social media. While there is no set size for a title, it is best to keep your most exciting element at the beginning. Consider your pupils’ objectives. These should appear in the title.

Additionally, keep in mind that Google reserves around 50-60 characters for display in search results. If you want to improve your SEO, put your message in the first displayable characters. You may add a longer, more descriptive title or subtitles to help your message stand out. To add a subtitle, use “:” or “-” to break up the central portion.

Make it precise

If you create the correct expectations, you may get more people excited about your online course. Consider your audience’s needs and employ phrases like “teaching” or “lesson” instead of just “course.”

For example, if you own a business education company and your online course is about teaching business skills (e.g., marketing training or sales training), it is critical to teach your audience not only how but also why certain things work and what the learning outcome will be – this will ensure that your learners’ experience is rewarding.

In other circumstances, you must generalize, mainly if you are teaching a vast topic to a large audience. In this scenario, you may need to reconsider dividing your course into smaller portions and creating a course bundle for the more prominent topic. Remember to make reasonable and realistic goals. Creating unrealistic expectations that you cannot meet may backfire.

Make it appear just as nice as it sounds

Can you hear what you’re thinking? We convert written text into audio. Your title should have a similar tone, as well as an appealing cadence that is accessible to the ears and gets people talking about what they read! This is also a great strategy to employ when brainstorming brand name ideas.

Read it out loud a few times to ensure there are no errors when reading it back later – this will save time later on since someone else may have difficulty comprehending where particular words were used or why something sounded odd.

Make a commitment to your audience

Your audience, like you and everyone else in the world, is looking for something important. Your title should reflect not just what it takes to move forward but also why they deserve to be rewarded for putting in the effort to learn how. Mentioning “your promise” at the start of your title reminds visitors why joining your online course can be worthwhile.

Always write in the context

Is your eLearning course aimed at novices or experts in your field? If you are educating juniors to become speakers, you would want to use a title like “Juniors’ Public Speaking Training,” but if you are addressing seasoned speakers, you might want to use a title like “Expert Speaker Training: How to Dazzle Your Audience.”

Online course naming checklist

Make sure the course title checks these boxes before you finalize it.

  • Tailored to the student’s level, expertise, and field
  • Describes the advantages or the learning purpose
  • Simple to read and memorize
  • Grammatically correct and establishes appropriate expectations
  • Has fewer than 60 characters

Writing a catchy title is trickier than it sounds. Thankfully, after you’ve internalized these ten guidelines, you’ll find it comes easily to you.

Combinations for online course names with examples

The power of ‘3’

Excellent guidelines and samples are provided for creating engaging titles for courses. The ‘3’ method is foolproof. The magic number for capturing attention is three, so try breaking up your title into those components. Choose the top three aspects of your course and figure out a way to merge them.


  • Smarter, Faster, Better
  • Eat, Pray, Love
  • The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Two is sufficient

Having two related or seemingly contradictory points in your online course might be effective if it does not seem forced.


  • Pride and Prejudice
  • The birds and the bees
  • Less work, more productivity

The essence of something

This one gets a lot of use and provides an excellent opportunity to insert some vivid adjectives. All you have to do is take an essential aspect of your class and put it in the name.


  • The Pursuit of Happiness
  • The Psychology of Success
  • The Secrets of a Great Podcast

Take these steps to achieve that

You may distill your material into a single deliverable with substantial value for your students. Combination: [Do this] and [Benefit]. 


  • Think and Get Rich
  • Work and You’ll Reach The Top
  • Laugh and Be Happy

Make guides

This one’s for you if your course’s path of action is a guide. Combination: The/Your [Adjective] Guide to [Doing Something or Getting a Result]. 


  • The Step-by-Step Guide to [Just about everything]
  • The Pro’s Guide to Great Business Name Ideas
  • The Coach’s Guide to Start-up Funding

From here to there

Although this appears to be the “Do This to Get That,” you can also use it to emphasize the change that learners will experience or the trip they will take if they choose to enroll in your course. Combination: [Starting point] to [Profit]. 


  • From Now to Eternity
  • From Broke to Wealthy
  • From Failure to Success

Everything made easy and simple is appealing in and of itself

Combination: [Your Niche] Made easy or [Result/Goal] in [specific amount of time/steps] or [Your Niche] 101. 


  • Creating your first online course made easy
  • Speak French in 6 months
  • Media Kit 101

Reveal it all

People are fascinated by terms like “secret,” “revealed,” “exposed,” “truth,” and “myths,” among others. You should take care not to exaggerate the title by using tricks and hacks because doing so might result in false promises. 

If you are unable to deliver on your promises in their entirety, you should steer clear of making claims that you would reveal something that no one has ever heard before. Instead, focus on topics that a significant number of the people who make up your target audience are not likely to be familiar with.

Combination: The Secrets of [Your Niche] or Top Myths about [Your Niche] exposed or [Your Niche] revealed. 


  • The Secrets of Successful Coaches
  • Top 5 Myths about Baking a Wedding Cake Exposed
  • Psychological Wellbeing Exercises Revealed

The best online courses name templates that really work

If you’re searching for some winning course title templates to help you develop your own, here’s a list of examples to get you started.

  1. How To ____ in
  2. How To Rock ____
  3. How To Make A Strong ____
  4. How To Completely Change ____
  5. How To Create ____ That Gets ____
  6. How To Get More ____
  7. How To Generate More ____
  8. How To Use ____ To Stand Out
  9. How ____ Boost Your ____
  10. How ____ Can Inspire Your ____
  11. What To Do With ____
  12. Where To Find ____
  13. Guide:
  14. A Complete Guide To ____
  15. Ultimate Guide: ____
  16. Advanced Guide: ____
  17. Beginners Guide: ____
  18. Hack: ____
  19. DIY ____
  20. Practical Guide: ____
  21. Full Guide: ____
  22. How To Unlock ____
  23. Tips For _____
  24. Smart Strategies To ____
  25. Most Effective Tactics To ____
  26. Essential Steps To ____

Final thoughts

The process of giving your tile a name might be difficult, but it is also very crucial. You probably clicked on this post due to its title, and you may not have even read the description before doing so; nonetheless, you are still here reading the entire piece!

When it comes to selling a course, having a decent title might make a difference, but having a fantastic title can carry you far further. You can build a name for your company, your business, or your training, and who knows? It can even help you become one of the most successful trainers in the world.