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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Classes

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Classes

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us have embraced online learning as the “new normal.” Is this, however, a good habit? In this article, we’ll look into the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, as well as assist you in determining if eLearning is suitable for you.

Advantages of online learning

Many people have benefited greatly from the rise of online learning. Students who previously had to spend hours getting to class can now attend from the comfort of their own homes. Many students like learning because of the benefits of online programs. Let us look at some of the advantages.


The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Classes

Online classes offer possibilities for learners with disabilities that are difficult to execute in person. Deaf students, for instance, can simply enable subtitles in online classes. Students with auditory processing difficulties can also use repeat portions of lectures to better understand the material. Students with cognitive or motor skill disabilities are able to study at their own tempo or attend classes when it is the most convenient for them.

Picture a dyslexic student who is having difficulty reading required textbook chapters; online learning provides such alternatives as eTextbooks, so they can choose to listen rather than read them. Even outside of a regular classroom, most online classes allow you to speed up or slow down audio, put on subtitles, and receive content in a variety of formats.

Flexibility & Attendance at ease

Students benefit from the flexibility of online learning in many ways. The possibility for students to attend lessons from any place in the world is a significant advantage of online learning. It eliminates the need to spend time driving great distances or taking public transport to school. Students who need to work in order to support themselves during school have a better time balancing school and job schedules.

It also refers to adult learners who are balancing duties such as parenting, employment, house management, and other responsibilities. With hectic schedules, it may be difficult to fit in an in-person class. Instead, with online schooling, students may pursue whatever interest they have, from animal cinematography to boxing and commerce.

Autonomy is healthy 

Job autonomy has been shown to improve employees’ mental health. For full-time learners, education is similar to working, as it takes at least 40 hours per week. Having the freedom to decide when and where they go to class might help reduce common mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and stress. Better mental health results in happier learners, which is something to strive towards.


Higher education, such as university, is now much more accessible to the bulk of people thanks to online learning. Online university degrees are often $10-11,000 less expensive than on-campus graduate degrees. This figure does not account for expenditures like on-campus dining or accommodation; it simply represents tuition variations. Online learning now provides access to courses on special platforms and marketplaces, such as online courses produced by entrepreneurs on TRIBLE. Instead of paying learning facility costs, students can go directly to the source of information. There is also plenty of free knowledge available on websites like YouTube, for instance. 

Worldwide connection

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Classes

With online courses, you may engage with professors and students from all around the globe. To study Hawaiian customs and cultures prior to online learning, you would have had to visit Hawaii. You may now enroll in online school and study from the comfort of your own home. Even if you’re studying something that isn’t exactly cultural or country-specific, learning among people with diverse backgrounds provides an intriguing view and opens a dialogue. With so many courses integrating learning communities, connecting with fellow students and getting diverse points of view is easier than ever before.

Interaction with educators and learners

At the same time, it may appear that online learning does not provide students with the same level of engagement as in-person classrooms. This is certainly true, yet many online courses encourage students to contact one another and the educator. It is simpler for some students to interact by engaging in forums and discussion boards or contacting their classmates and teacher than it is to speak up in a face-to-face class. Students can still benefit from conversation while maintaining the flexibility of online learning.

Many educators even provide one-on-one coaching sessions for students who require such a level of training. Isis Breanna, for example, provides her learners with more time with her through 1-1 coaching and subscription choices. As a result, students have a variety of alternatives at various price points for additional instructor guidance.

Discipline, pace, and group work

Many online courses allow learners to finish the course at their own tempo. This helps alleviate concerns that the student would not have time in their demanding schedule to complete 2 or 3 hours of learning each week. Self-paced courses are ideal for people with tight schedules. Yet, completing self-paced courses requires a significant level of discipline. You might know as well the guilt of enrolling in a course and then abandoning it halfway through.

Students who want to train discipline can buy courses and create a weekly plan. It might be incredibly motivating if they need the course to obtain a certain qualification or to meet certain work or educational criteria. Self-pacing gives learners alternatives if other priorities arise.

If students lack discipline and are unable to complete self-paced courses, there are online courses that place students in groups with specified deadlines. This is an excellent alternative for students and teachers who want a more conventional classroom arrangement. This model’s instructors will frequently employ the drip approach to distribute the material at a slower tempo.

Disadvantages of online classes

While there are several benefits of online learning, it is also crucial to understand the disadvantages. Some students surely may discover that online learning isn’t good enough for them. Let’s look at some of the reasons why that can happen.

Increased screen time

Equally for grownups and kids, staring at screens regardless of the device has a lot of potentially damaging effects. Eye strain, altered circadian rhythm, headaches, and neck and back discomfort are among the side effects. Completing an online class definitely increases screen time. Learners taking online classes must take precautions to prevent signs of excessive screen time, especially if they are also working online in addition to attending classes. This can involve things like blue light courses, though the use of these glasses is questionable.

Another solution is to take breaks to stretch and relax your eyes, as well as minimize your screen usage before bedtime. Online lessons may not be suitable for people who are already suffering from the harmful effects of excessive screen usage.

Being on your own

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Classes

Though online classes might be highly sociable in design, the truth remains that they are normally completed physically on your own. This can be a significant disadvantage, particularly for students who already spend a significant amount of time by themselves at home. Students can overcome this sensation of isolation by working on their online coursework in public places such as coffee shops, libraries, and coworking spaces. They can also enroll in programs with flourishing online communities to connect electronically with other students.

It’s essential to remember that many individuals attend university, college, or even community classes to meet new people. Proximity to the same individuals is a strong sign that you will befriend them – just because you see them so frequently. But when you take classes online, you lose that natural presence and connection with your classmates. Forming real-life connections with online classmates will take more work, yet it is still quite doable.

Equipment for effective eLearning

The bottom line is the following: to attend online classes; students must have a device with an internet connection. In reality, students will require a device that allows them to type tasks, such as a laptop or tablet with a keyboard. These gadgets can be quite expensive to buy, especially if you have numerous children in online programs who each require their own device to complete educational tasks.

It is the obligation of in-person classes to supply equipment so that students can participate. This allows lower-income students to attend class. To avoid this problem with online classes, several public schools supply laptops or tablets so students are able to participate even if they cannot afford to buy their own study equipment. Unfortunately, this is not a universal solution because many public schools lack the funds to supply devices.

Extra work and preparation for educators

Teachers become teachers because they like education, but surely not because they are interested in technology. This was most evident during the COVID-19 epidemic when educators were forced to transfer the whole set of classes and curricula online. It required a lot of extra work for so many professors, such as recording lectures, shifting assessments and assignments online, and creating video call live sessions along with mastering homework submission portals.

Teachers may also have challenges with learners who do not participate as much online and do not have as many opportunities to work together. While there are online alternatives to both of these challenges, teachers must adapt to online learning anyway.

Focus and concentration

Online learning might make it difficult to concentrate during class. Students are no longer in a learning atmosphere and are surrounded by distractions such as phones, Xboxes, or duties such as housework or walking the dog. Due to the absence of organization, students must be skilled in time management. This is an additional obstacle on top of learning that students do not have to consider during in-person sessions.

When learning online, students may encounter difficulties or not comprehend the information fully. If the educator hasn’t set up a mechanism to contact them and to address questions, learners will be frustrated and will likely lose focus on studying.

Lack of practical learning

Certain types of knowledge fit better into online learning than others. Studying arithmetic or biology online, for instance, will be very simple. But, learning medical examination, dental treatment, or even pottery or woodworking may be difficult due to the hands-on components.We met with a fourth-year medical student who explained how she learned abdominal examinations online: “We watched the teacher do an abdominal examination on his wife as we practiced on a toy animal.” It was difficult to complete the abdominal examination in the clinic until the COVID had not been finished.”

According to one dentistry student we spoke with, “A lot of topics we learned online had to be retaught in person afterward. And I witnessed a lot of mistakes arise when we went back to in-person learning after the pandemic.” Clearly, online learning is ineffective for concepts that require practical experience, while in-person learning is quite effective for all industries.

Do online classes suit you?

After going through the benefits and drawbacks of online classes, you should have a decent notion if online learning is actually for you. If you are motivated, disciplined, and want to learn something that doesn’t require hands-on practice, online learning is surely for you. In-person classes, on the other hand, are likely to be more beneficial if you require a lot of structure, want to learn a hands-on subject, and want to meet people in person.