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How to Influence Clients’ Choice Based on The Science of Persuasion

How to Influence Clients' Choice Based on The Science of Persuasion

How do you persuade someone to buy your goods or services? Psychology provides solutions to concerns that have plagued marketing departments for decades, most notably how to influence people and how individuals respond to attempts to influence their behaviour.

What exactly is client behavior?

Consumer behavior is the study of what motivates individuals and organizations to buy specific items and support specific brands. This field of research is mostly concerned with behavior, motives, and psychology.

  • Psychological aspects. The way a person reacts to an advertisement is heavily influenced by their own beliefs, attitudes, and general outlook on life.
  • Personal aspects. Age, culture, occupation, age, and background of the audience all play important roles in shaping customers’ interests and attitudes.
  • Social aspects. The social groupings that a person belongs to influence how they purchase. Their purchasing habits are influenced by their wealth, education level, and social status.

How can marketing affect client behavior and decisions?

Marketing has the potential to significantly influence customer behavior. Some of the things that contribute to that success are as follows.

  • The emotional reaction of the audience. One of the reasons marketing initiatives are effective is that they elicit a response from customers. People will talk about your marketing initiatives more if they respond positively to them. And the more they talk about your brand and products, the more probable it is that people will buy them.
  • Brand message and visuals. Using imagery and word connections to draw attention to your company brand is an excellent approach to do it. For example, if you want to attract young individuals, you may include trendy words and memes in your campaign. As a result, your target audience will identify your product with things they already consider to be fashionable and trendy.
  • The memories of the audience. Another important method in which marketing influences customer behavior is by eliciting emotions such as nostalgia and dread. For example, if a product is associated with childhood brands, ideas, pictures, or music, this may affect your sense of brand loyalty. On the other side, if a marketing effort instill fear in you, you may be persuaded to purchase the product in order to alleviate your worry and defend yourself.

What are current client behavior trends?

Knowing consumer trends makes it easier to understand how to impact customer behavior. Consumer behaviors and preferences change as businesses do. Customers’ tastes were different ten years ago than they are now, and they will be different ten years from now. When developing and improving your marketing plan, keep in mind that customer behavior patterns fluctuate. Keeping this in mind, below are some of the consumer behavior patterns that may influence activities in 2023.


Customer desire for openness in the firms they support has grown in recent years. Consumers increasingly boycott and swiftly discard firms with problematic practices or led by CEOs with whom they disagree. Customers are more inclined to back businesses that share their personal views and values. To acquire trust, businesses must be open about their history and practices.

Online buying

The COVID-IIPeople were compelled to stay at home due to 19 shutdowns, which increased internet spending. Even once the limitations are repealed, the tendency is expected to continue. Companies must meet customers where they are, which is increasingly online. This entails developing an easy-to-use eCommerce site that provides a great client experience. When establishing customer behavior plans, consider how to impact customers both in person and online.


With so much commerce taking place online, many consumers are concerned about the of their personal information. Consumers expect more anonymity; they do not want a corporation to know too much about them other than the information required for the commercial transaction. Companies must meet customers halfway and accommodate those who refuse to supply any information other than that required for a transaction. This may make influencing a single person more difficult, but demonstrating that your organization follows this trend may influence their spending.

Green business

Many individuals are concerned about climate change. Consumers want to do their part to help the environment. They are demanding more environmentally friendly businesses and will increase that demand in the future. Consumers that are interested in clean and green activities are frequently influenced by firms that provide sustainable items.

6 principles of client influence

There are six fundamental principles that may be used to analyze attempts to affect human behavior. These concepts may be used by both organizations and consumers to better understand the inner workings of purchase patterns and to identify which initiatives are most likely to succeed.

  • Reciprocity. Humans frequently feel compelled to repay a favour or reciprocate pleasant actions. For customers, this may entail providing a free sample or a substantial discount, for example.
  • Commitment. When people are interested in something, they are more inclined to remain with it. This involves fostering brand loyalty in business; once someone has used a product or service, they are more likely to commit to paying for it again.
  • Consensus. If more individuals accomplish something, others are more likely to follow suit. When a brand can demonstrate its popularity or contentment among a large number of customers, other consumers are more inclined to buy in.
  • Authority. People are more inclined to listen to an expert than to a random stranger. While pack mentality is crucial, a relevant expert speaking to the effectiveness of a brand’s product or service is essential for converting new customers.
  • Liking. Individuals who are similar to the target consumer are more likely to persuade the consumer to purchase. People from comparable demographics are significantly more effective at influencing customers than drastically different people, whether in terms of race, socioeconomic status, religious tendency, or even related hobbies.
  • Scarcity. People want what they believe they cannot have. Making a product or service appear exclusive or as if it may run out of supply if they do not act soon makes it more appealing to the buyer and enhances the probability that they will purchase.

Companies who understand these six influence principles will be able to navigate their potential customers more effectively and convert more sales. Professionals, on the other hand, advise against blurring the line between influence and manipulation since the latter might lead to disaster in the long term.